Sweet Mother International, Kano
Collaborates with
Birthing Kit Foundation, Australia
to distribute BIRTHING KITS at
Gwale L.G.A, Kano State,
Report by: Medinat Lawal, Coordinator, SMI Kano
Below are the pictures taken during the inaugural distribution of birthing kits in Kano State, starting with the KABUGA PHC:
SMI team discussing with the officer in charge and doctors at KABUGA PHC
Women receiving antenatal care, during the distribution of birthing kits.
SMI team discussing with doctors at the clinic.
SMI team leader, Medinat Lawal Sani and others with staff of the clinic.
Staff of KABUGA PHC, Maryam Umar Ado demonstrating the use of birthing kit.
SMI Kano sincerely thanks the SMI-Nigeria National Coordinator for his efforts in ensuring that SMI-Kano received the birthing kits.
In addition, SMI Kano thanks Birthing Kit Foundation Australia for their generous donation and extends accolades to John Nze-Bertram, President of SMI International for his kindness and for making it all possible.
For further information contact:
Medinat Lawal Sani
SMI Kano
Kano SMI Coordinator